Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Meeting

The Ambassadors - Hans Holbien

This painting called The Ambassadors was created by Hans Holbien around 1530. He had painted it with Oil on Oak, at that time, Oil on Oak was found to be a good way to show the painting realistically. The Painting shows that the People of the Renaissance could ally with each other considering they were different races. The art shows of two men, who are Ambassadors, and they are of two different races, it shows them working together on either an alliance or some new ideas. This picture tells me that at times the people of the Renaissance could live in peace because of these Ambassadors, it also tells me that the Ambassadors could speak their ideas to another Ambassador freely, which led to improved technology. In conclusion, the Ambassadors of the Renaissance were exalted not only in countries, but also in speaking their ideas of what their contry had come up with.

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